This is when we stayed at the sratisfare, just before we went swimming, we got our room...Thats window looked like that! It was pretty awesome. That was my favorite place to eat my snacks. We couldnt see any thing out of our window.
This is me on christmas morning, I got a ripstik, a freakin awesome pair of kitty slippers, and the best christmas of my life! After that, we whent over to my g-ma and g-pa Hurst's house and we opened MORE presents. My whole family was there, including my aunt Candice and uncle Jeff, they came down from Logan Utah! That is one heck of a drive.
This is in one of the many stores in Las Vegas.On the middle floor, there was this giant keyboard where when you stepped on a key, they lit up and made a sound.It was freakin awesome!
This is when we whent to "The top of the world", It was freakin awesome!my brother kyler and I felt as if we where going to fall strait off the top! In the end we just had very happy memmories.
If you tottaly couldnt tell, I love to swim. This is from a time when my aunt Lean came to Las Vegas from Salt Lake. We stayed at the Stratisfare and had a blast!